Business Value Chain

Primary Activities

Inbound logistics / Services Operations Services Marketing and Sales Customer Services
To provide container shipping line services Container shipping by vessel with service routes Provided shipping delivery services Through the representative office Cargo tracking system customer service

Support Activities

Supporting activities to drive the Company's main activities to be carried out continuously and efficiently.

  • Green Procurement

    The Company is committed to sustainability and responsible environmental stewardship. As part of our dedication to reducing our ecological footprint and promoting sustainable practices, the Company has developed this Green Procurement Policy. The policy outlines the commitment to integrating environmental considerations into our procurement processes, with a particular focus on the Company’s suppliers and their sustainability efforts.


    Green Procurement Policy aims to:

    • Promote the selection of suppliers who share our commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices.
    • Prioritize the procurement of goods and services that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and sourced sustainably.
    • Reduce waste, minimize environmental impact, and conserve resources throughout our supply chain.
    • Comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and industry standards.
    • Encourage continuous improvement in environmental performance among our suppliers.

    Supplier Sustainability Expectations

    In alignment with the Company’s commitment to sustainability, it is expected our suppliers to:

    • Adhere to ethical and transparent business practices, as outlined in the Company’s Supplier Sustainable Code of Conduct.
    • Strive for excellence in environmental performance, actively working to reduce their environmental impact and promoting sustainable sourcing.
    • Comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations.
    • Promote responsible waste management, resource conservation, and energy efficiency within their operations.
    • Collaborate with us in assessing and improving their sustainability practices, which may include audits, assessments, and shared sustainability goals.

  • Technology Development

    The Company has adopted the latest technology such as robotics and digitalization help us to further our internal process efficiency and foster customer relationships.
    With the gaining importance of ship management, some improvements were done in vessel systems for better overview of fleet operation, performance and as well as cost control. Additionally, we also implemented the cyber security policy to comply with IMO 2021 cyber security regulations.

    In the year 2023, the Company’s technology team has developed a system related to expenses to support effective cost management, for example, develop in Dangerous Goods in order to make the reservation system more efficient cost management. In addition, the technology team has also developed and improved the management of the leasing system and container maintenance and repair system to have more efficient with the objective of reducing costs.

  • Human Resources Management

    Having realized the importance of employees as a valuable resource that drives the Company, RCL promotes the performance management system, training roadmap, and staff development. In-house trainings have been arranged to improve staff’s knowledge and competencies, as well as sponsoring public courses relating to the Company’s business operations organized by domestic and overseas institutions, especially environmental training. The Company has increased efforts to value-add the skills for career advancement through job rotations and promotion.

    In addition, the Company appropriately remunerates the staff both in the short-term (bonus for employees based performance appraisal) and longterm (provident fund). Such remuneration is based on the staff’s knowledge, accountability and performance. In addition, the Company also arranges for employee welfare; accident and health insurance, as well as performance-based annual rewards, and long-service awards, are provided by the Company for all levels of staff. Furthermore, the Company registered a provident fund scheme under the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530.

    In addition, the Company provides an annual health check for employees at all levels, safety practices for fire drills annually and also exercise activities such as yoga, badminton, and football etc.

    Apart from that, IT systems and applications are continuously upgraded to better support staff handling of their routines as well as to enhance human resources management and development.

  • Infrastructure

    The Company has taken care of, developed and improved the important work systems in the company's business to be up-to-date all the time. To be able to serve customers quickly, accurately and efficiently, such as accounting and finance systems. E-commerce system.

    The Company also expanded our infrastructure to bring in new facilities to support the new normal with well-secured control features. We focused on customer digital-centric due to the changing of business practices and customers’ requests for more digitalization.

Analysis of stakeholder in the business value chain
Group of Stakeholders Practice to the stakeholders Expectation of stakeholders Response to such expectation to the stakeholders
Internal Organization

  • The Company manages its business activities with the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholders’ economic satisfaction, driving for a long-term growth in the Company’s value and creating a continual flow of good earnings.

  • Generating stable and sustainable returns
  • Business development, usage of innovation and technology
  • Good corporate governance and risk management in business operations
  • Generate the suitable returns
  • Communication to the shareholders, offers the opportunity to shareholders to express their opinions to the Company
  • Provide transparent information in a timely manner

Company Staff
  • The Company realizes that employees are the key to success.
  • The Company is committed to providing a favorable working environment for its employees. The Company expects the full cooperation of all employees to promote and maintain unity.
  • Growth and advance in the position
  • Reasonable compensation and welfare
  • Workplace environment is conducive to work.
  • The Company has increased efforts to value-add the skills for career advancement through job rotations both domestic and international, promote and appropriately remunerate the staff taking into consideration their knowledge, accountability and performance.
  • The Company promotes Performance Management System (PMS),
  • Training Roadmap, staff development. In-house trainings are arranged to improve staff’s knowledge and competencies, as well as sponsoring public courses
  • The Company provides both in short-term - bonus and long- term - provident fund.
  • IT system and applications are continuously upgraded to better support staff handling of their routines.
  • The Company has a system of developing the potential of employees, called Job Rotation both within department, across departments and internationally to achieve work rotation in the organization, a succession plan and personal development in various positions.
  • The Company provides accident and health insurances, as well as performance-based annual rewards, and long-service awards for all levels of staff.
  • The Company registeres a provident fund and annual medical check-up for all staff.
  • The Company has organized activities such as sports (football, badminton yoga etc.) and various forms of competition to promote good health and the relationship between the company and employees.
  • The Company provided cleanliness maintenance during COVID-19 pandamic.
  • To organize online meeting between the executive and all employees in Thailand and at abroad.
  • To promote ONE RCL for collaboration among employees throughout the Company.
  • The Company uses up-to-date technologies for employees to easier and more convenient working.
Outside the organization

Customer, Business Environment
  • The Company applies free and fair trade policies. Within the legal framework prevailing in the trade areas, the Company believes in lawful cooperation with counter-partners for the benefit of both the Company and its customers.

  • Getting the appropriate service that meet the needs.
  • Customers are supplied with needed information on the Company’s services and commercial activities via various communication channels.
  • Customers can use the Company’s website where they are able to access information on the ports of service, vessel fleet, sailing schedules, container specifications, oversized cargo, dangerous goods, e-services, etc., select destination port, check departure / arrival schedules of the vessels and container box position during the shipment.
  • Contact agents at their respective locations for above information, as well as freight rates and other details.
  • The Company assigns local agents, either its own subsidiary or appointed agent, at every port of service to attend to its customers, efficiently and quickly in order to accommodate their needs in selecting their desired services.

Community and Environment
  • The Company sets it as one of employee Code of Conduct in the aspect of the environment and society. In addition, the Company emphasized on opportunities and community development.
  • Maritime Compliance which is the International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Convention 73/78).
  • International Maritime Organization (IMO) Requirements related to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction for ships.
  • RCL seeks to comply with the provisions of health, safety and environment of the local laws, one of which, is the adherence to international conventions, such as the International Maritime Organization's codes in order to preserve the social and public environment.
  • The Company has activities to take care of society and the public.
  • RCL continues to study the optimum method for mid-and long-term GHG reduction measures with Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology.