Corporate Governance Structure
The Composition of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of at least 5 directors but not exceeding 10 directors which is suitable for the business. In addition, the Board places an importance on the diversity of the Board structure and composition (Board Diversity) to have the members who possess various skills (Skill Mix), experiences, fields of study, nationality, race, and gender. The Board, therefore, developed the Board Skill Matrix with the purposes to review and consider the balance and sufficiency of the Board members’ skills and experiences and to be in line with the current dynamic changes on business environment.

The Board of Directors consists of 9 directors, having the independent directors not less than one-third of the total number of the Board members as comply with related laws and having 1 female director. As of December 31st, 2023, the Board of Directors comprises:

1)   3 Independent Directors (33.33%)
2)   1 Non-Executive Director (11.11%)
3)   5 Executive Directors (55.55%)
4)   1 Female Director

Diversity of the Board Structure